PHPMyFaq is an excellent open source PHP based FAQ software. It helps you or your organization, like our, to keep good documentation, shared, and accessible everywhere.
It provides several functionalities, but the one we use the most is keeping articles and making search very fast and easy.
As every web based software has its own users db, but can also authenticate against an external LDAP directory, like Zimbra.
Configuration is very quick. First edit config/constants_ldap.php:
$PMF_LDAP['ldap_mapping'] = array ( 'name' => 'cn', 'username' => 'uid', 'mail' => 'mail'); $PMF_LDAP['ldap_use_domain_prefix'] = false; $PMF_LDAP["ldap_options"] = array ( LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION => 3, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS => 0 );
<?</div> $PMF_LDAP["ldap_server"] = 'MYZIMBRASERVER'; $PMF_LDAP["ldap_port"] = '389'; $PMF_LDAP["ldap_user"] = 'uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra'; $PMF_LDAP["ldap_password"] = 'ZIMBRALDAPPWD'; $PMF_LDAP["ldap_base"] = 'ou=people,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=IT'; ?>